About the Luv Founders


Victoria Barbessi

Victoria Barbessi is a senior at Flint Hill School. She particpates in her theatre department, her school newspaper, and is captian of her Varsity Softball team. Her junior year she began coding, and quickly became interested, even joining her school's Robotics team. Since then, she has broadened her coding languages and has decided to major in CS in college. Fun fact about her: she can recite almost all of the first Harry Potter movie :)


Lavanya Guruswamy

Lavanya Guruswamy is a senior at Westfield High School who is passionate about photography, dance, and math. Her junior year of high school she got into coding and had a frustrating experience initially. However, as she was exposed to other coding languages she found herself enjoying coding. Her favorite part of coding is that she can make anything from scratch and have the product be polished and beautiful. Fun fact about her: she can literally tell you anything about any celebrity :)


Lauren Divney

Lauren Divney is a junior at Langley High School. She plays lacrosse for her high school, and watches broadway shows religiously. She started coding the summer before her junior year, in the Girls Who Code program. She hopes to continue coding through the rest of high school. Fun fact about her: she knows every word of Hamilton :)

What is Girls Who Code

Victoria, Lavanya, and Lauren all particapted in Girls Who Code in DC, at the AOL branch. Girls Who Code is a seven-week summer immmersion program that gathers girls all around the U.S. into groups of 20. There they learn how to code in many different languages, and create different projects, including a final project. Their final project is then presented on graduation day and placed online.
For more information go to girlswhocode.com